segunda-feira, 11 de abril de 2011

Website Tip

Here is a website tip for you to learn how to draw a basic bear, after you finish, there´s also a video teaching how to draw another bear! When you finish the basic bear, add some details like clothes or a funny face. Don´t forget to send me a picture so I can post it here. Click on the link below and have fun!

Have a great day!

Bear Faces!

Good morning people!

Here goes a drawing of bear faces I learned in the book "Big Book Of Drawing Animals" by Christopher Hart, he a very good cartoonist and has a bunch of cartoon books you can buy online or in bookstores that sell books in English.

You can go to Christopher´s website by clicking the link below, have fun!

sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2011

Welcome to my blog!

Hello little people, welcome to my blog!

I started this blog to show my drawings to everybody I know, and here you´ll see much more, like drawings from other people and drawing tips taken from the internet and from books that I own.

Hope you enjoy the blog, feel free to comment or send drawings to be posted here!

Have a great day!